Saturday, June 21, 2008

Complaint against Special Counsel for the Judicial Qualifications Commission - Lauri Waldman Ross

June 17, 2008


Office of Governor Charlie Crist
State of Florida
The Capitol
400 South Monroe Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0001

Re: Complaint against Special Counsel for the Judicial Qualifications Commission - Lauri Waldman Ross

Dear Governor Crist:

On June 9, 2008, I obtained confirmation that you received my letter dated June 5, 2008 regarding my Complaint against Special Counsel for the Judicial Qualifications Commission - Lauri Waldman Ross. I have enclosed another copy of that letter for your ready review.

It has now come to my attention that Lauri Waldman Ross has been selected as a candidate for your consideration to the Judicial Nominating Commission. I have enclosed a copy of that information taken from The Florida Bar News dated June 15, 2008.

This letter will serve to voice my strenuous objection to her appointment given the graveman of her wrongdoing as outlined in my previous correspondence.

Respectfully submitted,

Meryl M. Lanson

Enclosures: As stated herein.

Lauri Waldman Ross, Esq.
Brooke S. Kennerly, Executive Director JQC
Florida House of Representatives - Judiciary Committee

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, I'd like to add something to this blogger. Governor Crist is moving people to different departments out of sight out of mind so to speak. While he was Attorney general fo Florida He wrote and told me that he couldn't speak to me about Fraud on the Court by the State Attorney's Office Division of Child Support Enforcement as an affront to the Department of Revenue. Our State as others are inundated with Fraud cases involving Fraudulent Financial affidavit's In marital or paternity cases. Lucky for us there's rule 12.540 Fla. Fam L. R. P. governed by rule 1.540 (b)(4) for void actions. Watch the news carefully for this expose on Fraud on teh Court being endorsed by Judges full of bias and prejudice, attaching the stigma of 'Deadbeat' Dad in order to force compliance with a court order based on a false accural of accounting and now, attempts by the Governot to cover their you know what... C- ya in the funny papers. Rots of Ruck